Products & Services
Services & advice
At Grayson Lewis, we look to cultivate long term relationships with our clients. This requires broader involvement than just providing investment advice. We work to produce a financial plan which can evolve with you as your goals and priorities change.

Retirement planning
Planning for retirement is about striking a careful balance. No one knows what the future holds, so it is important to enjoy today whilst preparing for your future. Whether you are planning for retirement, approaching, or in retirement we are here to help. We work to provide our clients with confidence and peace of mind that their future is in control.
The earlier you start preparing towards your retirement, the better. When you begin planning early it can take only small tweaks to bring your plans on track. We work with our clients to understand how much money they will need to retire, and how much they need to contribute to reach that goal.
Having worked hard over your career to accumulate your assets, now is the time to look forward to the next chapter. There are a range of different options for drawing your pension and generating an income. We will recommend the most suitable way to generate a sustainable income allowing you to enjoy retirement.
During retirement, your goals, plans, and family circumstances may change. Whether it is understanding if you can support your children and grandchildren further, or if you can book a world cruise, we work with you to provide clarity making sure your financial plan evolves with you.
Investment planning
Making an investment gives the potential of making your money work hard for you. However, before discussing money, investments, or portfolios, we take the time to understand what your goals are. Once we have a clear understanding of your goals, we can put together an investment strategy and recommendations that are aligned with your ambitions.
The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than the amount invested.
We offer a range of solutions to meet different needs whether you are investing for income, growth, or a combination of both. When we have a clear understanding of your plans, we can then we can put together an investment strategy and recommendations that are aligned with your ambitions.
The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than the amount invested.
Without the appropriate structures, you could find your investment potentially losing significant sums in tax. As part of a holistic approach, we will assess your available tax allowances and structure your investment in the most tax efficient manner in line with your goals.
We offer a range of tax efficient solutions for your investment including,
- ISAs
- Junior ISAs
- Investment Bonds – Onshore and Offshore
- Unit Trust
The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.
The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time. Tax relief is dependent on individual circumstances.
We offer highly personalised Discretionary Fund Management services that are ideal for investors with specific requirements. This solution is provided by Rowan Dartington, a wholly owned subsidiary of St. James’s Place. They specialise in providing tailored, discretionary management and stockbroking solutions.
Discretionary Fund Management is a bespoke solution. You will receive direct access to a dedicated Investment Manager. This allows the opportunity to discuss your specific requirements in detail. An investment portfolio will then be constructed to suit your needs.
The bespoke nature of this service allows the flexibility to transfer and include investments you made hold elsewhere, and incorporate them into your portfolio.
Your investment manager investment manager will carefully consider effective tax strategies to minimise your capital gains liability whilst utilising your available allowances.
The value of an investment with Rowan Dartington may fall as well as rise. You may get back less then the amount invested.
The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time. Tax relief is dependent on individual circumstances.
This service provided by Rowan Dartington, the stockbroking arm of St. James’s Place, allows you to buy and hold individual investments, with you deciding the level of support required. By utilising Rowan Dartington’s stockbroking services this gives you the opportunity to self-manage your investment in a hands-on manner.
The Rowan Dartington execution-only service puts you in control by allowing your trade requests to be carried out across a range of assets.
The Rowan Dartington premium service offers support with your share portfolio, but with you holding the final decision. You will be provided with your own dedicated stockbroker who can provide you with investment advice.
The premium service also includes capital gains management. This works to maximise your tax efficiency through your available allowances. This can be utilised to diversify large shareholdings that have perhaps been awarded through employers share award schemes in a controlled manner.
The value of an investment with Rowan Dartington may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than the amount invested.
The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time. Tax relief is dependent on individual circumstances.

Financial protection
We will typically take out insurance for things such as pets, phones, and household appliances. What is often overlooked is insuring the most valuable asset, you. We offer a comprehensive range of services designed to protect you and your loved ones should the worst happen.
We will carefully assess your financial position and work with you to create a protection solution most suitable for your needs and budget.
We work with a carefully selected panel of providers offering an extensive product range including:
- Life Cover (including Term Assurance and Whole of Life)
- Critical Illness
- Income Protection
- Family Income Benefit
- Private Medical Insurance
As your business grows it is important to make sure you have the right level of cover in place. Business protection refers to insurance policies that are designed to safeguard businesses should a director, partner or key employee suffer a critical illness or die.
This will ensure that should the worst happen; the appropriate protection is in place. This will allow the business to recover quickly and minimise the impact. We can recommend the most suitable products to meet your needs and bring you peace of mind.
We work with a carefully selected panel of providers offering an extensive product range including:
- Key Person Cover
- Key Person Income Protection
- Shareholder Protection
- Business Loan Protection
- Relevant Life Cover
Estate planning
We do not just help you grow your wealth; we also work with you to protect it. Without the appropriate planning, HMRC could receive a significant amount of your assets through Inheritance Tax. Inheritance tax is having an increasing impact on families and individuals. Through estate planning we work to ensure that the wealth you have accumulates goes to those you wish to benefit from it.
The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time. Tax relief is dependent on individual circumstances.
As property values increase and the IHT threshold remains unchanged, more families become liable to pay inheritance tax on the value of their estate. Inheritance tax is potentially taxed at up to 40%* on the value of an estate that exceeds the nil-rate band.
We work to minimise your inheritance liability or potentially remove it entirely.
*Source: How Inheritance Tax works: thresholds, rules and allowances.
The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time. Tax relief is dependent on individual circumstances.
Traditionally we are used to seeing assets being passed from one generation to the next, however the world is forever changing. Not only are people living longer, but younger people are facing increasing financial challenges. Intergenerational planning allows the managing of wealth across multiple generations within a family. We offer a variety of solutions that enable families to make the most of their wealth and protect against inheritance tax. It involves creating a strategy to ensure the long-term financial wellbeing of both current and future generations.
The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time. Tax relief is dependent on individual circumstances.

Specialist banking
A cornerstone of financial planning is to hold sufficient funds on deposit to cover short term spending requirements and emergencies. We hold a range of options to support your day-to-day transactions, as well as savings solutions for your deposits.
Please note that these are referral services, as such the services provided are separate and distinct to those offered by St. James’s Place.
The St. James’s Place Cash Deposit Service, powered by Flagstone, provides the perfect solution. Flagstone is an innovative online cash management platform designed for both personal and corporate cash balances, that offers access to over 40 banks. Through one platform you can manage funds across multiple accounts, maximise your interest and make sure your savings are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) by spreading your cash across different banks.
You may have a requirement for converting currency. This may be due to travel, an overseas home or perhaps a salary being paid in a foreign currency. We have access to a panel who can assist with a currency exchange service supporting both personal and business needs.
For more complex financial needs, High Street banks are not always appropriate. Through St. James’s Place we have access to a panel of Private Banks. This enables you to benefit from a much more personalised and bespoke approach to your everyday banking requirements.
There may be circumstances which result in the requirement of short-term cash flow. This could be to support a luxury purchase, home improvements, a one-off tax payment, or bridging a residential property purchase. It can be the case where it is not prudent to disrupt a long-term investment plan, in particular removing funds from tax-efficient structures.
If you have borrowing requirements, we might be able to help you use your eligible St. James’s Place or Rowan Dartington’s investment as security subject to eligibility. We work with major banks to make these lending facilities available to you.
The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time. Tax relief is dependent on individual circumstances.
Please note that these services are separate and distinct to those offered by St. James’s Place.
A mortgage is likely to be the largest financial commitment you make in your lifetime. This liability tends to be one of the most significant barriers when considering retirement, therefore plays a key part when considering your long term financial plan.
We work to understand your personal situation to ensure we find the most suitable lender for your needs.
There are many options available between different providers such as fixed, tracker and offset mortgages. As well as some lenders being preferable when dealing with particular circumstances, we look to ensure the mortgage process is as straight forward and pain free as possible.
We offer a comprehensive range of first charge mortgages from across the market that are made available to mortgage intermediaries for which we are paid a procuration fee by the lender.
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayment on your mortgage.
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